速報APP / 財經 / OT Pivots

OT Pivots



檔案大小:9.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


OT Pivots(圖1)-速報App

OT Pivots is the first app that combines the power of Pivot Lines with cycles and automatic trade signals. It is designed to offer users a unique perspective on stock, index and forex trading, and to provide them with reliable and profitable trading signals.

The app’s rich functionality is further enhanced with the addition of several in-app purchases (for the full list check Top In-App Purchases on the left).

Get an edge with the following built-in tools and features:

* Pivot lines

* Pivot moving average

* Pivot oscillator

* Cycle bars

* Trend Bars™ (in-app purchase)

* Trading strategies, trade signals and scanners

* Extensive User Guide

* Real time market data and breadth indicators

* Unlimited stock symbol tracking

支援平台:iPhone, iPad